Christmas time activities
December 15-22 we will be at the Vanha Christmas Market in Helsinki at the Old Student House. Open Mon-Thu and Sun 11am-7pm; Fri and Sat 11am-8pm.
On December 14th, we will celebrate the publication of the book Where Are You, Mother? at the Yläneen Helyjä and Heinäseipäitä Christmas shop. Short story sessions with illustrator Piia Tuominen from 3-5 p.m.
13.-14.12 Katja will be at the Helyjä ja Heinäseipäitä Christmas shop from 10 am to 5 pm. Our products can be found in the shop until 23.12. Yläne , Haverintie 5
The online store will be closed from December 14th to 26th. We can no longer guarantee deliveries by Christmas, even with express delivery. That's why our mail elves are taking a short break. We will return to normal delivery times after December 27th.