Together and alone
Onnenläntti is like a cow herd in a pasture. Small and yet full of strength. It is a haven of diversity. Many birds get their food and strength to fly from the insects that develop in the cow herds. That is what we want to give to book readers and event attendees: strength to fly. That is why we collaborate especially with organizations, associations, libraries, schools, daycare centers and nursing homes.
The authors are award-winning artists and writers, veterans, promising young artists, and participants in community art projects.

Before an idea becomes a book or an event, many hands are needed.
Entrepreneur and producer Katja Mahal holds the strings - and sometimes Dino - in her hands. For her, books and the countryside are the spice of life. Half of her career has been spent in consulting and project development, and the other half in text production and books. She hopes that Onnenläntti will be a stroke of luck for you too.

Onnenläntti was born for two reasons:
1) We wanted to continue the If Cows Could Talk exhibition built in the LEADER project after the project ended. 2) People wanted to buy the pictures in the exhibition. P.S. The books came along out of love for the genre.

Introducing: book authors
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Sophia Bartsch
Sophia Bartsch is a versatile artist from Turku. She works as an illustrator and graphic designer, creates murals, makes sculptures of various sizes from different materials, and builds installations. Sophia...
Sophia Bartsch
Sophia Bartsch is a versatile artist from Turku. She works as an illustrator and graphic designer, creates murals, makes sculptures of various sizes from different materials, and builds installations. Sophia...
Piia Tuominen
Piia Tuominen describes herself as a childlike adult. She discovered a rich world of images in watercolor splashes and stone wall surfaces. The source of creativity had been given a...
Piia Tuominen
Piia Tuominen describes herself as a childlike adult. She discovered a rich world of images in watercolor splashes and stone wall surfaces. The source of creativity had been given a...
Harri István Mäki
As a child, Harri drew cartoons about ghosts, monsters, castles and sailing ships. And he wanted to be an explorer. These ingredients have developed into one of Finland's most prolific...
Harri István Mäki
As a child, Harri drew cartoons about ghosts, monsters, castles and sailing ships. And he wanted to be an explorer. These ingredients have developed into one of Finland's most prolific...
Cows, love and joy
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6 vinkkiä saada uusi koti ilman remonttia tai m...
Oletko katsellut omaa asuntoa ja miettinyt, että nyt pitäisi remontoida? Tai peräti muuttaa? Usein ajatuksemme muutostarpeen suhteen ovat paljon isompia, kuin mitä todellisuudessa tarvitsisi tehdä, jotta viihtyisimme kotonamme taas täysin...
6 vinkkiä saada uusi koti ilman remonttia tai m...
Oletko katsellut omaa asuntoa ja miettinyt, että nyt pitäisi remontoida? Tai peräti muuttaa? Usein ajatuksemme muutostarpeen suhteen ovat paljon isompia, kuin mitä todellisuudessa tarvitsisi tehdä, jotta viihtyisimme kotonamme taas täysin...
Medal rain for the provinces
Where do Finland's Olympic medalists come from? The visualization table in the article by Yle (8.2.2014) shows at a glance: Olympic medalists in individual sports come from the provinces and...
Medal rain for the provinces
Where do Finland's Olympic medalists come from? The visualization table in the article by Yle (8.2.2014) shows at a glance: Olympic medalists in individual sports come from the provinces and...
Did you know?
More than half of all endangered species depend on or benefit from grazing cows. Many insects originate from cow manure. Important food sources for insects include pasture plants, such as...
Did you know?
More than half of all endangered species depend on or benefit from grazing cows. Many insects originate from cow manure. Important food sources for insects include pasture plants, such as...

Contact us
The person responsible for the company is Katja Mahal.
Our address is Yli-Vuotilantie 10, 21900 Yläne
The easiest way to contact us is to fill out the form below.
You can also call 050-4906636 or send an email:
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We are here for you!